United Way of East Central Alabama
We fight for the health, education and financial
stability of every person in our community.

United Way of East Central Alabama
We fight for the health, education and financial
stability of every person in our community.
stability of every person in our community.
Results Matter

children receive a free age-appropriate book delivered to their mailbox each month

free tax returns completed for low-income residents resulting in $1.4 million in local refunds
Presenting Sponsor

Platinum Sponsors
Our Initiatives
Get Tax Help
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, in partnership with the Internal Revenue Service, is a service designed for low and moderate-income individuals and families to promote and support free tax preparation service.
Our tax sites are offering drop-off services to file your 2020 tax returns. These locations will begin accepting drop-off’s the last week of January.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email taxhelp@uweca.org or
call 256.236.8229 ext. 123